Since Gracie was diagnosed when Elizabeth was about 18 months old we have been super aware and watchful about her and watching for any sign of Autism. So far we don't know what to think.
1. Elizabeth's speech is about a year delayed, she has almost no functional language and the majority is scripting, and repeating. (Possible sign of Autism)
2. She loves to play with her toys and does engage in pretend play, often pretending to feed her dolls and tuck them into bed. (Typical)
3. It's impossible to get her to look at a camera (Possible sign of Autism)
4. Awesome joint attention skills, will look where I point (Typical)
5. Rarely acknowledges when name is called (Possible sign of Autism)
6. Very engaging with parents (Typical)
7. Little interest in other children (Possible sign of Autism)
8. At age level in motor skills (Typical)
9. Mild to moderate cognitive delays (Possible sign of Autism)
10. No noticeable sensory sensitivities. (Typical)
Right now Elizabeth goes to the same speical needs preschool with Gracie. She gets a little bit of speech therapy and we hope to increase that as she gets older. Right now I go back and forth about if she's on the spectrum, I do however have hope that she can be mainstreamed by Kindergarten.
It does sometimes get to me that I have two children and they are both speical needs, but they really are such speical little girls I feel honored to be their mother.
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