Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our day at park

Yesterday I took Gracie and Elizabeth to the park for a play date with some friends from our Attachment Parenting play group. I was looking forward to it as both girls always enjoy going to the park.

It was in many ways a heartbreaking experience. Gracie always loves the swings, and Elizabeth is excited by the whole park. Yesterday was different after only a few moments on the swing Gracie started to fuss so I put her down. She wondered almost aimlessly around the park. The wood chips held her interest for a few minutes but mostly she just walked around.

It made me sad as I remembered that just a few months ago she loved to climb on things and swing for as long as I would push her. It used to be that most people wouldn't notice anything different about Gracie now it's painfully obvious to everyone that something is "off".

I am continuing in the search to find things that Gracie truly enjoys, and we are going to a bounce house next week. I'm also going to tempt her with a new toy today.

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