Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Christmas Story

This year I was reflecting on how Autism invades everything including Christmas, and how it's a process of acceptance as our expectations change.

First even shopping is a challenge, few toys even interest Gracie and if they do interest her it's never for long. Gracie doesn't really play with toys as much as she holds them and moves them around, placing the toy in containers and taking them out again. I finally decided on a mini trampoline as her big gift.


I ordered the trampoline online and on Christmas Eve after I gave Gracie two different sleep aids and put her down  Ray, Alaric and I started to assemble the thing. It's a miracle we didn't lose a hand or at the very least a finger. After much swearing, failed attempts and scratching our heads at the instructions we got it put together.

Then as I was putting things up Gracie woke up at 2 am, first with a low moan which quickly escalated to full screaming I tried to hold her as we rocked but the screaming lasted over an hour. As she screamed she woke up Elizabeth, who also wanted attention. For a while it seemed they were screaming in stereo. After the screaming stopped they both decided it was play time. Gracie sat in Elizabeth's rocking chair and jumped on her trampoline as I tried to clean up and get everything else set up. Gracie tried to tear down the stockings and I had to take the candy away from her many times. 

Elizabeth went back to bed about 3 but by 7 am I gave up on any sleep at all for the night and woke up the boys. As we were opening presents Gracie fell asleep on the couch.

Sleeping Beauty                
The funny thing is that this is a good Christmas to us. As Autism has taken over we have let go of all of our old expectations. I have come to realize we can never have a traditional Christmas, there must always be adjustments for Gracie. She may never "understand" Santa, Christ or rip open wrapping paper. New toys are still scary for her, Gracie doesn't look at camera so if she's still for a picture it gets posted, and I feel blessed if she even wears clothes. But we spent Christmas together as a family and she had a good time once she woke up which is as good as it gets for us. 

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